
Free Stuff for College Students


I know, being a student can be hard. Especially when you are the one covering your bills. Here is a list of different things that are free for students. Plus, who doesn't love free stuff?.

Note: Not everything on this list may be available to you. It may vary depending on your country, university, etc. But don't lose hope and give them a try!

Canva Pro

That's right. If you are into graphic design, or just want to create awesome charts, material for your classes. Then this is something you DONT want to miss. You can get Canva Pro for 1 Year FREE with "GitHub Student Developer Pack"

(Update #1: No longer available - 2024)


If you haven't heard of Notion before. Well, let me tell you. It is one of THE best apps I know to help you get organized. Seriously, I use it for everything. From organizing my classes to my work and personal life.


This is an awesome budgeting tool that lets you plan your expenses and savings. To be honest, I used to prefer just writing my budget on an excel sheet. But this app has a great interface and lets me create categories and sub-categories to keep things even more organized. You can check out the free trial and if you like it you only need to send them a "Proof of enrollment." to get you a free year.

One Note

If you are a student then you would love to have OneNote.  It is amazing for note-taking, plus, you can use it from your laptop, cellphone, or iPad/tablet. Ok, you can get even more than just One Note.  Students and educators at eligible institutions can sign up for Office 365 Education for free, including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, and now Microsoft Teams.

GitHub Student Developer Pack

This Student Developed Pack is AMAZING. No, seriously. I am surprised it is not talked about enough. It offers a lot of free stuff that will be valuable for anyone creating a new website, starting a side hustle, or just wanting to learn or into coding. Don't believe me? Here are a few things you can get with this pack.

  • Canva Pro - One year (Update #1: No longer available - 2024)
  • Name Cheap - 1 year domain name registration on the .me TLD.
  • Typeform - Free professional plan for 1 year.
  • Stripe: Waived transaction fees on first $1000 in revenue processed.
  • Educative: Get 6 free months of 60+ courses covering in-demand topics like Web Development, Python, Java, and Machine Learning.

And this is only 5 out of the 50+ stuff you can get for FREE just for being a student.

PS: I will keep updating this post if I find any more info.